Dr. Peter B. Dixon
Dixon is known internationally for his work in computable general equilibrium modelling. Together with colleagues at the IMPACT Project and the Centre of Policy Studies, he created the ORANI model and its dynamic successor, MONASH. These models have been prominent in the Australian economic debate for 35 years and have been used as templates for the development of other models throughout the world. He is the principal author of the ORANI and MONASH books published in the North Holland Contributions series in 1982 and 2002. In recent years he has led the development of the USAGE model of the U.S. which is being used by the U. S. International Trade Commission and the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Transportation and Homeland Security.
Dixon’s publication list contains about 225 articles and 8 books, including three North Holland Contributions monographs. He edited with Dale Jorgenson Elsevier’s Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling (2013). In 2014 Dixon took up his present position as Professor in the Centre of Policy Studies at Victoria University Australia. Expertise: Economic Modeling